Friday, November 26, 2010

It's a jungle out there!

Khao Sok rainforest is in fact a remnant of a 160-million-year-old forest ecosystem that is much older and richer than the forests of the Amazon and central African regions.

Yesterday, we went to a monkey watering hole. The monkeys come down from the jungle at 5 pm every evening, and if you've got some bananas, they're happy to take them from you. Today, we went for a hike in the National Park, and there were monkeys walking down the trail. They stopped to check us out, but since we didn't have any bananas, they just kept on trucking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the email - the pictures are stunning! Glad to hear you are both having a great time.

Michelle, the boys and I enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner last night reflecting on all we are thankful for and the road ahead. Please keep the emails coming and we will continue to follow your blog.

Michelle, Caleb, Reese and Louis Cruz