Thursday, November 11, 2010

All in a Day

yes, it's real

We booked a tour that brought us to a butterfly/orchid farm. Then a trek through the jungle and villages, stopping at a waterfall, to the elephant farm to ride an elephant (I felt a bit bad about the elephants- felt a little better because they say they treat the elephants well- see below). Then lunch, and on to whitewater rafting (fun!), and ending with a ride on a bamboo raft on the calmer part of the river. It doesn't get any better than this!

Guests who visit us are amazed by the way we treat our elephants. We employ some of the best
mahouts in the industry who all deeply care about the elephants.

Chiang Mai Elephant Camp Is a happy place to spend your holiday, be it riding elephants, our mahout training program or even by adopting an elephant. My dream has come true as seen in the happy faces of our staff, animals and most importantly our guests. Our guest book says most, if not all want to return again. Today my son proudly holds the mahouts stick, maybe like me he too will follow his father!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice pictures of the both of you. The picture of Kathy with the flowers behind her reminds us of Georgette.
Steve wants to know how the hamburger's are out there???