Thursday, March 15, 2012

Is Quito safe?

"According to the U.S. Department of State, petty theft is by far the most common problem facing American tourists in Quito, Ecuador." We're always cautious when we go out exploring for the day- no jewelry, no pocketbooks, no credit cards, only enough money for the day (and in Ecuador, a little bit goes a long way). But sometime we find ourselves in situations we shouldn't be in, like riding crowded buses. The thieves in Quito are slick. Manuel's back pocket got sliced, but luckily they weren't able to get the only thing in that pocket- a change purse with coins for the buses. He wasn't even aware there was a gaping hole in his pants until we go off the bus and he felt the fresh air where it shouldn't be.
 We also walk whenever we can, which is why we were attempting to walk to a viewpoint at the top of a hill when a viejita carrying a large load told us that to continue walking would cost us more than taking a taxi. Apparently, there are thieves waiting on the streets that lead to the top of this hill (El Panecillo) that WILL rob you. We thanked her and turned around. 
And so, I'll sew Manuel's pants, and we will continue to be cautious, and enjoy all the wonderful things that this city has to offer. 

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