Thursday, January 6, 2011

Batek Tribe

Our 3 day stay in Teman Negara was even better than expected-
meals on the floating restaurant were good, the night jungle walk was interesting (how to lure a scorpion from it's hideout, snakes in trees, viewing deer from a "hide" or lookout...), the canopy walk was fun, the boat rides were peaceful (until we hit the "rapids"), but what impressed me most was the visit to the nomadic aborigines- the Batek tribe. They make fire with friction on wood, and they hunt with blow pipes, using darts tipped with poison made from a tree sap. They say it takes one dart to kill a bird, 3 or 4 to kill a monkey. They let us try using a blow pipe (no poison on our darts!). I found their culture fascinating.  Wikipedia says it much better than I can.

making darts
making fire

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